
Force Measurement and Stress Monitoring

Building on the traditions and engineering of the pioneering Royal Aircraft Establishment, ARA has continued to develop a world class capability in the design, manufacture, instrumentation and calibration of bespoke force measurement equipment.

We can provide a wide range of bespoke equipment from simple devices which can measure a single force or moment to intricately instrumented structures with a very high load capacity which can measure multiple forces and moments simultaneously in dynamically loaded environments.

ARA regularly uses equipment designed and manufactured in-house in our own test facilities – including our transonic wind tunnel where failure of a wind tunnel balance – typically a critical component in the structure supporting the test article – is not an acceptable outcome.

We can calibrate force measurement devices and “balances” in our dedicated balance calibration laboratory which provides results traceable to UK national standards.

And we offer an assessment and repair service for strain gauged force measuring devices and “balances” and we are experienced in working with both foil and semi-conductor strain gauges.

We can provide a bespoke real time stress monitoring capability which will allow you to monitor the health of critical regions of your equipment as well as inform you of the structural loads your equipment is measuring. This is a capability we use in our own test facilities – in particular for critical applications where there is a likelihood of loads being generated which can exceed safe limits.

When you come to ARA for bespoke force measurement services you will have a partner with decades of successful experience in creating, maintaining and developing a suite of capabilities which continues to be used at the forefront of aerospace research and development.